Friday, February 15, 2013

Thursday & Friday February 14-15, 2013

Today is our first full day in Jerusalem.  Terry and I stayed back today to give Terry a chance to rest.  The rest of the group headed out with our guide Jane.
I’m writing what they saw based on the photographs from Trevor’s camera, so this will be an abbreviated description today.

The first stop was the Section of the pavement from the time of the Roman occupation that has been excavated.  Jane explained what life must have been like at that time.  At this point, Manna began to feel ill and Sharon took her to the same clinic that Terry and I had been to last night.  She was also diagnosed with Chemical Pnemonia. We are not sure where we picked up this illness.  Sherry and Julie also decided to return to the Guest House as they felt they were not up to the climbing yet to come.
From there the group left the walls of the Old City to head to the excavation of the City of David.  Each time we come, there has been more of the city uncovered.  Continuing on through the City of David the group came to Hezekiah’s tunnel.  Taking the dry route they come to the pool of Siloam, and then continued on to the Southern or Uneven steps. Here Jane again talked about the significance of the steps entering in to the temple area.

At 5:15 we had an appointment for the Rabbinical tunnels.  The remaining group toured this area also.

At 8:30 we continued our study of James.  Once again James is in our face to care for widows and orphans, and to be True to Christ.

On Friday we had a free day to be on our own.  Some of the group walked the ramparts, some went to ammunition Hill, and others just browsed through the old city. 
We checked out of Christ Church and relocated at Abraham’s Hostel.  Shabbat begins at sunset tonight.  As we were checking in, there was a sign up sheet for a Shabbat meal, so several of us signed up.  I just thought we were just going to a meal.  We were told the meal started at 6:00.  What actually happened when everybody showed up at 6, they handed out knives, cutting boards, and lots of vegetables. We started cutting, slicing and making meatballs. It was an incredible experience, as we prepared a meal with mostly young people from all over the world. 
Tomorrow will be a busy day touring though the old city and the Christian sites.

Please Pray for Terry and Manna specifically with the Pneumonia, and Sherry and Julia with sore knees and hips.  Also pray for the health of the entire group.

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